Wednesday 22 September 2021

Wednesday 22nd September 2021: Inchies Day, and sometimes the odd ode that might get slipped in!

♥ TFZers Visiting...Where?

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Tuesday Night

Early Evening Sky Views

Hazy, yet colourful?

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04:00hrs: Wee-wee, dressed, tea, and summoned to the Porcelain Throne.

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Porcelain Throne - Eugh!

One heck of a messy, gooey job! The evacuation took a minute at most; the cleaning up, and convincing the torpedo to go down to the sewers afterwards, took me at least half an hours worth of effort. Humph!

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A smidge down today on the Blood Pressure stakes. Happy with these figures!

The urine looked dodgy, perhaps something to do with the gallons of fluids still lurking in the feet? Hahaha!

Seriously though, the feet were looking betterer than yesterday by a mile.

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Spent Hours Blog Updating

Many wee-wees later, I took a break, made a brew of Thompsons Punjana tea, and tried to take a decent photo of the early morning moon still up there in the sky.

My efforts were only reasonable.

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Porcelain Throne Visit No.2

A duplicate of the first visit, but this time I had, even more bother getting things to go down the hole. So's to speak!.


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Morning Carer Arrived

It was second-time caller Fatua. Not a gossiper by any means. But she put up with my chatting a little this time. Hahaha! Bless her!

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On with the blogging again.

It was a pestiferous, frustratingly long, slow hard job today. The nerve ends were forever dying off and coming back online, which ensured that this session was the most annoying one ever! What I typed should have taken an hour at most, but it ended up costing me three hours at least... the writing errors got better... or I should say worse...

Liberty-Global Virgin Down Again!

How can this number-cruncher of a CEO get paid £22m salary plus expenses, and he is so incompetent he can't ever keep a signal to Nottingham for a whole day. And this after he paid $23.3billion to buy and destroy Virgin Media? Credit to him though, he's misledwhoever pays him!

Unglefrogwonglingisations! Arglebonkangony! Prittleworthytwerp, and Crap!

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Made a Mug of Glengettie

Had a wee-wee, first of course. And notice how the fog had fallen so quickly.

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Passed Hour: Three

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Looked Up Local Covid Figures

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Must Get Some Graphics Done

Onto CorelDrawing. Fingers crossed that Nicodemus's neurotransmitters and number-cruncher Mke Fries of Liberty-Global, both allow me to get on with it. Gits!

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Food Time!

Pimto beans in BBQ and Black Bean sauce. Beefburgers and potatoes. It should have been a decent score, but I let myself down with undercooked potatoes, so 6/10.

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Passed Hour: Two

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Old Mans Nap

About two hours worth. The dream was worth it though... Hehehe! I was doing things that I haven't for years, and enjoying it to; it reminded me of some ladies I used to know! Then dreamed out various vehicles I have driven. It was like snippets of things I did over the years in specific vehicles?

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Passed Hour: Five

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Aching all over! (but contentedly). Took the waste bags to the chute. Then onto the Computer, the Evening Carer may be due soon, or they may be late, Que Sera, Sera!

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Must try to get more graphics done.

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Passed Hour: Only three

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Evening Carer

Valerie came to do me. She seemed withdrawn somehow? I thanked her again for bringing me the toothpaste.

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Post Updated

Posted to Blogger - Emailed link - Had a wee-wee, went on Facebooking.

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I'd like for greed to be overthrown,

But I do not write in a confident tone,

Would it help if I went on methadone?

To fretting over nothing, seems I am prone,

I need to find a guide, or cicerone,

Someone to show me how to use the phone,

Mostly, I wish I wasn't always home alone....

I know, I'll have an ice-cream cone!


  1. 07 has a perfect record, he ges results, he makes no apologies, he knows Paris inside, outside, and downsides in the tunnel systems. Umagine Boris as 07, and yer will recognize the difference methinks.
    Dark, cloudy skies and fog what is thick. Great photographicalisations to preserve them fer posterity.
    Yer nosh was comprised of nearly all roundish objects, the perfect geometry for goog gustational perfection. Four HERBERTS is googly number for a Wednesday, has anyone inquied where Thor's hammer was last out and about, perhaps wielded by a stealthy and thoroughly dshonest thief as Michael Fries? IS THE HAMMER presently in Herbert's rooms? Is Herb crafting it for future hammer thieves and villains, for scoundrels and fools. Summat is afoot and Sherlockians everywhere are gathering clues and shopping lists for Morrisons.
    Yer betterer BP rates should make it probable that yer will find yerself in a cleverly Auto designed with Inchie in mind. The world needs a savior of the calibre of the occupant of Nr 72 Woodthorpe. The world just might hve an outside super hero there. Look for a helicopter to land on yer roof, and to ferrit you away to high adventure. The hum you hear might just be yer copter?

    1. After reading your description 007, I'm surprised you have not been called on to be recruited in the fillums, Bill, as 007½? Maybe I could be 'M'? Haha!
      That was well spotted, mate, the roundabilitiesness in the nosh. Haha!
      Fries & Herbert, or Herbert & Fries... yes!
      Inspires a little adventure there for me Sir, as I sitteth here typing, the hum humming, and having just stubbed my toe as I got up to look for the 'copter, I thought, well fancy that. I'm not sure I'd be up to being whisked away...
      mayhaps you could aske them to delay,
      Until the feet's swelling goes away?
      As indeed it might one day...
      Oh, need a wee-wee, I must be away...
