Friday, 17 June 2022

Friday 17th June 2022: Ode to Frustrations

Justice Seekers

Two good citizens, who have taken enough...
Planet killers, murders, wars, and other stuff...
Medical treatment given with a slurve...
Leaving patients poorer and unnerved!
Killers getting life, and five years they serve!
Cost of living prices getting absurd...
Mass killings, muggings, daily observed...
Government deciet being unresevered...

Trump $2.5b, Joe B worth only $10 million, austere?
Driven to despair, power & profit is all they care,
Toying with improving peoples healthcare...
While children, innocents get murdered everywhere!
Putin's war gives an excuse for food-fuel being costlier...
Ordinary folk, your neighbour, worker or footsoldier,
Are beginning to get wee'd off, and thoughts smoulder...
Expect a Worldwide revolution, before I'm much older!
Thus, two good citizens, who're forced to be bolder"

Nemo Mortalium Omnibus Horis Sapit


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Tim. Your rhyming and night shots were briliant, can't get on WP. Cheers.

  2. We're out there in some serious garb to serve some ne'er-do-wells what they deserve, and we are also urban-guerrilla gardeners who preserve the greenery and scenery against assault by both the riff and the raff, serving chum to the shifty scum. Should the Parole Boarders ever be sentenced to community service, we are there to see that they change their ways...or else. The PB's shudder and then return to removing the graffiti. "It ain't fair" they say, but we quell those words with snaps o' the whip.


    1. Hahaha! Loved that commentshi, Billum! Go gerrum! ♥ (Link not working) Typed it in. Couldn't hear it even with the headohines on, but my imagination was gratified at the thought of the murdering Parole Boarders getting a pasting, Haha!
