Monday, 13 June 2022

Oddly Enough Ode

Inchies 'Oddly Enough' Odes


Oddly enough, I was depressed, and having a moan,

Found the photo above, gals of the Troll Free Zone...

Where there are ladies, I'd like to chaperone,

Wish I could afford to talk to them on the phone,

We communicate on Facebook, so I'm not alone


I got Josies Sunday lunch cooked, made, and sorted,

On the tray, artistically, hope it's appreciated,

Stubbed my toe on the way, I was barefooted...

Josie praised the look of the fodder, I was elevated!

Back to the kitchen, got it cleaned and titivated,


Then made the wobbly-bellied beast a feast,

Burgers nade from soya, nuts and yeast...

Black, red, gungo, pinto, a right beanfeast

I didn't eat it all, about a quaeter, at least,

Then my desire for ice cream increased! 

Made a right pig of myself... Some from the No Noo tub, and more from the Swedish or ice cream. Both vegetarian, both lovely tasting, but a distinct difference between the two. But the No Moo, at the moment has an advantage... it's on special offer... Costing a wuid less than the Swedish one.

 Early afternoon sunset.



  1. 1. Josie is lucky to have a chef with a toque, and I call that good luque.
    2. And you've fashioned a well-organized set of gooderies thoughtfully cooked and arranged.
    The two things that make Sonntag worth 24 hours. Something to counter thoughts of Mr. Mike, and sent to loyal and true fans of IT on a Monday, the day most distant from Sunday...well, it's all I could think of on short notice... as there are only a few hours left of a Monday afore midnight appears at Crowell Manor and Illustrious Labhilarities. So there!

  2. Brilliant smil;ability again, Sir Billum! I hope your Crowell Manor Illustrious Labhilarities, are joyfully enjoyed, Sir! Love to all.♥.

  3. Please have a smashing day, all tellutians at the Crowel Laboratories. ♥
