Saturday, 18 June 2022

Inchies Local News Snippets - Part 6⅞

Local News Snippets

Crime in Nottinghamshire blossoms scarily.

Not many people move to Nottingham, voluntarily,

Many students & refugees do… warily…

Less crimes seem to have been committed, serry,

But that’s not cause the law has got savvy.

Judges & Parole Boards are still schmaltzy,

It’s cause between Snippets, 7 days usually…

This one is three days later, crimes still scary!

Here we go!

Crime in Nottinghamshire blossoms scarily.

Not many people move to Nottingham, voluntarily,

Many students & refugees do… warily…

Less crimes seem to have been committed, serry,

But that’s not cause the law has got savvy.

Judges & Parole Boards are still schmaltzy,

It’s cause between Snippets, 7 days usually…

This one is three days later, crimes still scary!

A bit of a pathetic sentence... surely?

Will they make him an instant trustee?

Give him drugs and a TV for free?

Send him back to Slovakia wealthier, for free?

I bet him he comes back with his Slovak Mafia family!

Thanks to the Parole board, 3 years'll be one, civilly...

If... if he is deported, he might, might not be...

He'll be going home laughingly!

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This brave lady, travelled through the time zones,

Just her and her daughter to find her safe home...

All without any help assistance or a chaperone,

She was desperate, and found she had the backbone...

What she must have gone through in the warzone...

Something so terrible that my generation hasn't known,

Her brave trek as from country to country flown...

Welcome Lesia, well done gal, from Gerry, here! .

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The scum-balls of Nottingham do this far too often,

It's despicable, sickening, and unchristian...

Why? To get cash for drink or drug satisfaction?

They are antisocial, no-good qualities that I can discern.

My loathing for them is of concern...

Prison sentences they should earn...

Not that it will help the charities who yearn...

To help those in need, easy money, they are craven!

I pray they get a tooth for a tooth message in Heaven!

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This man is suffering from alcoholism, hence...

His dependence, craving towards crapulence...

So will have both impenitence and repentance,

With his aggression forever in accrescence...

He'll have a Jekyll and Hyde sort of indiligence,

A man living in a dosshouse, that can bring diffidence...


Or a mixture twixt self-loathing, and futility...

Being intoxicated, can lift, help one to forget reality,

Often, after binges, there can be shame and humility,

When in the inebriated state, there's warmth... no disability

Until something or one, becomes a challengeabilty...

The wrong word, a sneer at you drinking ability...

They look at you down their nose.... brings irritability.


However, many times the send to be seen to...

No one can help, or seem to agree to, what's best for you...

At times you wish they would just leave you a curfew...

Then you can cheat and sneak out unwatched for a few...

After-shave, moonshine methanol, anything will do,

Until you get your dole hand-out is due!

Like with tobacco and drugs, and sniffing glue...

Yet stopping can be impossible... yet you want to!


Drinking absinthe, is like internal flamethrowers!

But alcoholics become shoplifters and pilferers...

Some even turn into violent muggers...

But through addiction... the poor buggers!

They can put a man on the moon, and discover...

How to replace a cataract with plastic covers...

Attack another country, while other's dithers...

While alcoholics carry on drinking and suffers...

Is there an ulterior motive, why they can't help us?
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A little vague on details this one?
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Dodgy, when at the Covid latest figures I took a peek,

+78.4% increase last week, +55.6% this week,

Figures at which some folk could freak!

How come no one is saying owt in critique?

Summer, so folks back out in the street?

Have they a cunning plan, like Baldrick?

Hope I don't get sick....

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Dodgy forecast given out today, is it believable?

For in the past we have been deceivable...

We have to cautious and common sensible,

To be certain it'll turn to rain, is simple,

It turns from red to blue,

When rain is imminent or due,

I mean my arthritic knees, pimple!

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Great News!
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No mention in this report, of him hitting an ambulance, a school being nearby, children playing and busy with pedestrians? I got got these details from another source. Mmm? I wonder how he got off with a tapped knuckle? Makes you think?

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A Carer, she looks a bit rough?
I bet she's uncaring a gruff?
Hit & Run, got her by the scruff!
They saw through her lie & bluff!

Claims her murder, she'd did not observe...
That'll be the alcohol, she's got some nerve!
Meeting her on the road, the man did not deserve...
Now his poor family, henceforth,
Will have to the pain of a massive morn...
Wishing, as I, that Walsh had been stillborn

The trial is over, what then?
Five years in prison?
She should have got ten...
Parole Boarders are beyond my ken...
She'll be out in two years, but when...
Will the Parollers, do justice again,
And recognise the victims family pain!
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How could the Justice sytem let this linger on undecided since December 2016? Have they no thoughts for the victims relatives?
Stupid question Sorry!
If they refuse to do anthing about the Parole Board money-grabbers freeing so many murderers to kill again, it must be obvious that they do not give a toss about any victims!


Is the above enough to convince you of the lack of justice from our Courts and Goverment?
Still no blame, no prosecutions of the Tory led

Kensington and Chelsea London Borough Council

Who were made aware of the fire risk by the residents group, who fimed the meetings - and were still ignored!

Tory Swine!

1 comment:

  1. Well, it's not all bad with the Ukrainian mom story. Otherwise. Same old criminal crap.
