G'Day, Mates!
Sunday 2nd May 2021
Shona (Zimbabwe): Svondo 2 Chivabvu 2021
Whoopsiedangleplop: The passing of the fluids was a weak, unwilling, dribbling affair. It took ages and was not even the equivalent of half-a-cupful. Still, there were a few drops of PMD (Pre-Micturition Dribble) but no CMD (Cessational Micturition Dribbling) at all.
I got the kettle on, then I and took a photo of the early morning view from the kitchenette window... No, I didn't (fool!), I took this one from the balcony.
Smug-Mode-Engaged: It didn't come out too bad for once, and I used the Canon, with it set on the Auto-mode. A rare decent snap was taken this time, which please my ego a smidge.
I made the brew of Gengettie tea. And noticed the milk was getting low in the bottle. It does this!
Had a talk with myself: I must try to get to Sherwood tomorrow and get some more from the Co-op... or should I make a Morrison order through Amazon? No, you fool, it's a minimum of £40 to get an order, and you want to spend that much just because you're too idle to walk into Sherwood? Go on, make your excuses... Cartilage Cathy? Arthur Itis? Nurse calling on you? Saccades Sandra playing up? The Warfarin nurse might call while your out? Humph! Pathetic, that's what you are! I had to agree!
I stopped talking to myself and got the Health Checks done.
I got the photos uploaded and started to get the updating of the Saturday post. Pressed on, had a break for another cuppa and a few weak, unwilling wee-wees., and to take the morning medications.
Got the Blog finished and Emailed the link. Then, I answered a couple of comments. Got the template made up for today and off to the Porcelain Throne...
Whoopsiedangleplop: Well, I'd have put money on things happening quickly, as the inner activities, rumbling and escaping wind indicated - But no! A total failure to move anything, apart from the wind. A rock-solid refusal from the innards! Obviously, it was Constipation Konrads turn to rule the roost? Ah, well, I finished off the Clarkson book, at least.
I also noticed the left foot that was so swollen yesterday morning was going down nicely now. And walking was far less painful underfoot!
The blotches were less vivid. Indeed, some of them had appeared to dematerialised overnight, altogether?
I went on Facebooking on the TFZer (Troll Free Zone) and the Winwood Heights site!
I visited the Health Unlocked site, the Anticoagulation and Peripheral Neuropathy sections. I made a comment in reply to a members message. I'm not sure if I should have, but I felt so sorry for their suffering, I tried to keep it light-hearted.
Then I started creating this post.
Odd noises again from up above somewhere. A loud (it must have been for me to hear it). A sort of cross between susurration and a droning sounds?
I searched the Severn Trent Water sites to see if I could find out about any progress on the massive water leak at the flats. This below is what I found.
It seems they are still inspecting the leak and have not got around to repairing it yet? The site said: We're sorry it's taking longer than we'd planned to complete this inspection. We are working hard to make sure this is done as quickly as possible. Then gives links to who's responsible for sorting and paying for the repairs. Tsk!
The crows must be having a Murder somewhere nearby in the trees. So many of them were flying by the windows. I thought of Crow-Lady Lona from the TFZer site: She loves them. And did my best to catch some of them on my camera. Huh!
Whoopsiedangleplop: But I failed miserably; they are cunning these crows - every time I got the camera in position and stopped shaking, they stopped flying by. The shaking started again, and they returned... repeatedly - I missed them all. Still, although it's no solace, I took a photo of the balcony window, from my computer chair, anyway. Another mystery, when I hauled my oversized, wobbly-bellied body onto the balcony to see if they had gathered somewhere to take a picture of them, there was not a single one in view? Humph!
A second call to the Porcelain Throne arrived, and I half-heartedly made my way to the wet room. Again the amusement was needed while I waited hopefully for something to move, the crossword book this time.
Talk about being surprised. It took a good few minutes before the motion began. Smooth as silk - painless, odourless, and no bleeding! Yet the bent torpedo was hard. I could tell that by the plonk, followed by the clunk as it assaulted the porcelain landing! And the water splashing up my bottom. Hehehe!
Accifauxpas: I got the ablutions done next. It made sense as I was in the wet room at the time... I'm waffling again, ain't I? Sorry! They didn't go so well, but I've had many worse sessions. No cuts shaving, fat too many dropsies, a stubbed toe, and cracked the elbow of the grab bar.
Accifauxpas: I got prepping Josie's meal, and I made up some waste bags, and popped them to the rubbish chute, and deposited them through the cast iron metal lid. No fingers trapped. But I did manage to catch my ankle bone a decent knock against the door frame while backing out with the trolley. Humph!
I'm a bit dubious as to how they come out, though. I wrote down a list of the ingredients that I put in my first effort at making some pickled cucumbers. If anyone can remember what I put in them, please let me know. Hahaha! No idea where I left the note. I threw caution to the wind and sort of made them ad-hoc. Distilled pickling, Cyder and White Wine vinegar went in the jar. Black pepper and some demerara sugar? Oh, and some of the Anchovie vinegar. Pure guesswork!
If you should hear of me snuffing it by choking on my tongue, please let the corona know what happened for me; thanks.
I did a couple of more hours on this blog and got myself something to eat. I checked what, if anything, is worth watching on the goggle box. I might have a peep at a DVD then.
I heard a distant alarm ringing? I investigated by opening the flat door but could hardly hear the klaxon out there.
So I went out onto the balcony to look down to see if any emergency vehicles had attended. No signs of anything wrong... There were two residents both rushing to their cars, but nowt wrong with that... well, apart from a smidge of jealousy at how well and swiftly they were both moving. Hehehe!
Off to get the nosh sorted out.
Buttered potatoes, tomatoes, damned expensive cooked beef, and some garden peas were served upon the plate.
The garden peas gave me the most satisfaction - I'll tell yer why...
With both automatic tin openers broken, one within a week of purchasing it, the smaller hand-held Arthritis one, I've yet to learn how to get it to start working - I was forced to use the hand-held manual can-opener. Yes, risky! I had a bit of a fight and struggle to get to turn the handle.
I'll go into a megillah, but I recalled chillingly, the last time I had to use this potentially lethal weapon; and how the blood flowed from the finger end!
It took me a long time, but I managed to get the tin opened, bloodlessly, which helped me keep my mansuetude nicely calm. A barely perceptible iota of smugness threatened to develop, but I resisted it.
Whoopsiedangleplop: I wandered of the plot again there, sorry about that. Now - where was I?
Got a wash, did the pots, and had a look at the rubbish available on the TV. A war documentary caught my eye, and I decided that would suit me.
Safely opened a tin can without letting blood. Excellent. I think you could advise those nitwits about leaks. Nice night shot and steady vitals. Charlotte, and opera singer in London, got on a show called "I Can See Your Voice". When I went to the BBC website to watch the episode I was blocked from viewing it because I don't live in the UK. I spoofed my DNS, set up a BBC account using your postal code in Nottingham, got the BBC iPlayer and watched the show. If BBC police come calling on you for hacking into the show, you can blimey blame it on me. I also learned you have to get a TV license to watch British TV using a browser. A TV licenses sells for £159/year. Air wave robbers your government is. I did not buy a TV license since I had the choice to download the iPlayer.
ReplyDeleteMorning, Tim,
ReplyDeleteIf the SIA don't come down, there won't be any room left on the graph to fit my X in it. Hehe!
It's a right do with the BBC, Tim, Sir. Cleverly sorted, I might say... well, I will! Cleverly sorted!
They still haven't got around to inspecting the underground leek, yet they know that its losing 80,000 litres an hour?
Ah, I get a reduce cost license since reaching 70. But rarely watch the BBC, I use Freeview to fall asleep watching. Hahaha!
TTFNski, mate, thanks.