Sunday 6 June 2021

Inchies Day: Saturday 5th June 2021 - Inchies Graphics & Photographicalisations & the odd Ode


♥ TFZers Cool, eh? ♥

Twisted Morning Thoughts

What happened yesterday at the chiropodist?

Such a lot of things I seem to have missed?

It's almost as if I was drunk, pissed!

The mind is still a smidge vague, in a mist,

Could I get help from an acupuncturist?

Should I train to be a cymbalist or cembalist?

How can I get mental help relatively swift?

I’ve tried with homoeopathy, rheumatologist, or radiologist?

I could see a psychopathologist or psycho-pharmacologist?

Which does what, I haven't the foggiest,

Ah, well, off to the Porcelain Throne in hastiness,

Better make this first on my to-do list!

I evacuated, then did the laundry

I was in a semi-industrious mood this morning!

Took a photo of the morning view

I took it without opening the window this time.

Back to the Porcelain Throne!

 I'd put in the hearing aids, ready for when the Carer visitor arrived. This caused some mild disorientation when I got seated on the Throne!

I got the book ready to read and wondered what the hell was happening with the usually not heard evacuated product dropping noises from the giant meatballs into the pan! It took me a minute or so to realise this. Haha! I removed the hearing aids, and a good job, too, I thought. If I'd left them in and flushed the system, the pain from the sound would have sent me crazier than usual. Hehehe!

Updated the Friday Blog

This took me a couple of hours or more, but I got it all done and posted to Blogger. Then made the link email and sent it off. Did some comment replies, then started on the template for this post, another three hours gone, now!

Worms Under Skin Scenario

I was getting a lot of itching in the ankles and feet? So, I had a decker at them.

They looked absolutely fine to me? No pains, just the sensation of having worms or maggots crawling about under the skin? Hey-ho

The different Carer called 

A decent sounding sort of chap, he got the medications done professionally and in no time! I thanked him and slipped him a can of drink, which I thought he deserved.

I got the Health Checks done

Better late than never, Haha!

It looks like the BP is creeping back up again, but fret not; it's been higher before; and may well be again, knowing my luck.

Good heavens - I've been up for thirteen hours!

Not even had time to get any graphics made - Again! Well, I'll try to get some done then. That wasn't very successful. Humph!

The Carer Called

Same chap as this morning.

Tried to get some kip, didn't bother having a meal, too weary to bother. Sleep was given up on! I tried watching TV, that didn't work. Read the STaligrad book; no luck, sweet Morpheus was most reluctant to call on me!

Called Brother in law Pete and Jane

Had a jolly good three-way gossip, spoke of the past, and got updates on how they were going. The best news was that Jane was coping well with her... wait for it...

GONIOSYNECHIALYSIS (Chronic Angle-closure Glaucoma), especially after the operation she had to go through.

Great natter, but it had to stop when the urgent need for a wee-wee arrived. Bloody painful this one was, as well! 

Sleep so slow in coming...

I ended up nocturnally nibbling. Boy did I put away some ice cream and French Fries while watching the TV; that usually bores me and benumbs the brain, allowing Sweet Morpheus to take control of the brain... Usually!
I eventually nodded off but had some terribly upsetting dreams that left a bitter taste in my mouth. I'll say no more... it's best not to! Hehehe! 

Final Ponderings

T'was an odd sort of day,

Calamities starting straight away,

In almost every way,

But, no toe-stubbing, I can say!

The brain was reluctant to work again, today,

Logicality and astucity stayed well away,

Hope became a castaway,

I dwell in failures superhighway,

Still, being bald, so no need to buy shampoo or hairspray!



  1. You're going cold on us at 34.6. 13 is a good prime number. Nice ditty to end the day.

    1. Cheers, Tim.
      Is a prime number any luckier than others? Hehe!
