Sunday, 19 September 2021

Saturday 18th September 2021: Inchies Day, and sometimes the odd ode that might get slipped in!

TFZer Thomas with his TFZer cool Pool Car

HRH Lisa & Billum with Gerry on a Ghost Train?

Friday Evening

Can't remember if I posted this or not. Sad, innit? Yes, think I did...

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04:15hrs: I coughed into wakefulness, felt the pain from the feet as I gingerly got them down from resting upon the chair. Then, as the grey cells kicked in and the fuzziness faded, I realised that I had been asleep and uninterrupted at that - for eight hours! No wee-weeing or Colin Cramps!

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Hobbling Much Easier!

Walking was much less hassle too! Which is what the brain started doing in its usual fashion. I kicked of doing little jobs and moving n to others before the first one was completed. This is becoming a hemerine habit nowadays.

Had a wee-wee, washed the overnight bucket, got the kettle on, made p some waste bags and put them near the door...

Went back to make a brew, got the Glengettie tea bag in the mug, turned the kettle back on, and got sidetracked when I saw the twinkling lights from the kitchen window. Fetched the camera and tried my bestest to get a decent shot of the view.

Best of the three I took.

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A Belated Mug of Glengettie

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Computer On

Oh, the SYS is creeping back up again, 134, 143, 157 and 165 this late morning? It will no doubt go down tomorrow; it usually does after three increases.

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Wee-Wee - Accifauxpa!

This was about the seventh wee-wee of the morning. Each one is a little gushier than the previous one. So, I hastened to get the trews and PP's down and caught Little Inchies lesion as I did so.

Serves me right!

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Sister Jane Rang

We had a little nattering session. Moaning, complaining about Nottingham Forest, and generally waffling merrily on. But, the need for yet another wee-wee arose, and we had to stop out chinwag. Tsk!

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Blog Finished Off

I finally got the blog finished for Friday, sent it off to Blogger, Emailed the link and set about doing the Facebooking catch-up.

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The Door Chime Chimed

I got up and went to the door. (Boy, the feet had gotten worse!) The postie handed me a parcel. It was the bacon stand for the microwave... I decided there and then to make a bacon sarnie straight away!

Mixed responses... Humph!

I assembled the cheap, at most, weighing 3-ounce flimsy tray.
The dang thing didn't fit into the oven without catching and stopping the turntable all the time! I had to stand there and keep opening the door, replacing the paper towels, put the dropped off the stand bacon back on... Fed up with this already!

I lost count of the times I had to keep taking it out, rearranging the bacon, and the microwave will need an industrial cleaning! Even more fed-up now!

I was not impressed with how the bacon looked when I took it out!

However, after I'd cleaned up the cooler, sink, bowl and floor, from the usage of the crap cheapo plastic utensil. I caught a whiff of the bacon... my resistance and reluctance weakened slightly...

It tasted dang gorgeous!

I ate the bits of misshaped bacon, putting them in a slice of milk roll bread, and dunking it into some BBQ sauce... 

Such a messy, dangerous, ham-handed, unsafe, overpriced, not-fit for the task it was bought for tacky tool!

I'll use it again when I get some more bacon bought! Hehehe!

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Porcelain Throne Utilised

I hobbled to the wet room and got down. It was reluctant to start, so I had a go at the crossword book... but only for at most a minute or so.

When things activated, and the product came out, 'Clump, splash, gurgle, splash (accompanied by involuntary hurricane-force escapages of wind), and all done! Even the flush worked the first time! 

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It appears that I have made another error in the size of the bottles of black bean and Hickory Smoked BBQ sauce?

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Suddenly Drained Again

Got some nibbles sorted out. Went down well, and within minutes of washing the pots and getting down, I fell asleep.

But the Thought Storms battered away at me. It felt like every five minutes, I was waking with something new to fret and worry over. Grrr!

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Evening Carer ARrived

I'm afraid there was not a lot I recall about this visit. I was a little out of it with the fatigue and not getting to sleep. I'm guessing it was Valerie who came... if not, Samantha. I did fall to rest after the carer left and acquired an hour with Sweet Morpheus. Then I woke with a jump - no idea what day or time it was.

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Vague, Foggy-Minded

I took the waste bags to the chute room. I found this photo to remind me; I can't recall doing this at all.

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Got down - Fell Asleep


  1. Sweetie, Im worried about your feets. You seem to be trying to release excess fluids. Did either of those 4 different carers even notice your Edema? I’m carering for you from afar my bestie! I will email you.

    1. Thank you sweetheart. They are much easier now, less bloated.
      Which makes me ask; Where did they get the name 'Bloater' for those straw hats, years ago? I'll look it up of I remember... Ah, Billum may know? There are some fish called bloaters too...
      Going to have frozen lasanga, no lasnia... (I just nipped into the kitchen to read the box) Lasagne! Hehe! Hope I like it.
      I see lots of advice on the wound, good that!
      TTFNski, and a cyber cuddle (A gentle one)♥X

  2. At least the bacon lumps tasted good. I have flat irons I put on the bacon to keep it flat while it fries. Otherwise, it wants to ball up like yours did. Great looking sandwich and fries.

    1. Well, you mastered the curling bacon well, Tim!

  3. A grand photographarama, Sir! The ghost is trying to gain on us, but I am certain that a ghostbuster technique will come to mind before All Hallows Eve. I am thinking that the costume of the year might be a most frightful red and green sploched Covid-Entity of no mean ability to frighten us all.
    Speaking of wonderful photograms, that bright light to the right (nice rhyme there?) looks like a supernova — if I am not stretching my supernova understandings a tad.
    I have placed bacon between two sheets of paper towel, that works I think.
    You have enough Uncle Ben Sauce to last through 2022, Sir! Things do look different on the computer after renditionalisationings and size morphings, do they not?
    An hour of sleep from Sweet Morpheus is sometimes hard to obtain. Morpheus is a bit stingy in that way, of course.
    A splendipherous Monday to yer!
    My hello-theres to sister Jane when yer get a chance to arrive at a betterer phone line.
    The BP is taking on a little bit of a high number, I hopes that today's number is better.
    A mere two (2) HERBERTS is a low one, innit?

  4. I fang you, Sir.
    I could sense a Covid-Entity forming in you artistically adapted brain as I read that, Billum? Be me right?
    Ah, the Light to the rights - has always been there, Billum, and I thought at first it was a lorry parking up leaving its headlights on, but no, the battery would have ran out? I'll be danged if I can work out worrit is! It pierces through the darkness, and takes away the pleasure of scenery-watching. Tsk!
    This oversized new fandangled thing, would not be so bad if it stayed together and didn't keep collapsing... Hahaha! But I must say, the bacon did come out crispyish.
    I', a little worried about running out of the BBQ sauce - and just to rub in my cock-up, I found a bottle of BBW sauce this morning at the back of the rearranged cupboard - thus confirming my lack of memory, stupidity, and general lapsadaisicalness!
    Damned decent of you to think of my upcoming Monday, good Sir.
    Sister Jane will be informed, she and Pete both have the latest G5 (no idea what that means) multi-tooled mobiles, but the signal is terrible.
    The BP is still creeping up a tad... Humph!
    Now, the Herberts, Bill... I jave given this some consideration, ponderisationing and thought; Deciding that with all the time I had to spend in the kitchen a cooking Josies, then washing up, then later doing my nibbles, then washing up from that... I was out of earshot of the Dreaded Herbert for a good while. He's was back on form today though.
    I prayeth yond humira, shall continue to s'rve thee wlee, valorous sir. And yond sweet m'rpheus shall beest kind natured, and the bliss of catch but a wink shall beest f'rthcoming ♥

  5. I also do not know anything about the word Bloater, sounds like gas buildup or suchlike. However, I am familiar with the term G5, it is supposed to be a major improvement in data-handling speed, but it seems to be very overrated, many bugs and, as they say, terrible signals. G4 is good enough for me. Yer get enough noise and interference with those multiple occurrences of HERBERTS, does you not?
    I jabbed myself with another Humira injection Friday and it seems to be doing its thing quite proper. However, HRH Lisa is afeared of the possible side effects, but it doesn't seem to affect me overmuch, other than a certain bloaedness (perhaps an incidence of that curious BLOATERS. Lisa tends to have a great many side effects to any medication at the pharmacy, so that would explain a certain of afearedness. I think that I am merely turning into a Bloater, perhaps I should buy a
    MAJOR BLOATER T-shirt?

    1. HRH Lisa, has correctionalised my error twixt boater and bloater, I got it wrong again. Tsk!
      I like you thoughts on bloaters.
      Jolly good Humira, a rare succcess in the medicationalisationing world! Grreat"
      No, no, no, no bloater t-shirts, please, Billum. You require one in praise of Humira! Mr G informs methat the other name for it is 'Adalimumab'? Both will rewuires some thought as to what to put on your shirt, though? Hahaha!
      Keepeth safe.

  6. Well fine sirs might a lady of letters and vieiwer of period piece filmography correct your misperception of bloaters. The hat is a straw based summer hat called a BOATER. However, from my educational jaunts via TV criminology programs inform you a corpse in water could be called either a floater or bloater seeing as how they tend to do that. Any minor stint watching the pre opening theme of Bones will likely illustrate the oft found Bloater, before a disgusting array of body cleaning insects, pieces of body parts exploding due to some process of decay et al. Billum and I learned NEVER to begin a snack with show until the opening scene was over! K. That’s all I’ve got.

  7. Aha! I got it wrong again, HRH Lisa. I do feel a fool! Thanks for your correctionalisationing.
    Dang good idea not to nibble when the programme starts, gal! Very wise!
    Hope your scar is clearing up, petal. ♥
