Tuesday, 28 September 2021

Tuesday 28th September 2021: Inchies Day, and sometimes the odd ode that might get slipped in!

"But, Ossifer..."

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04:00hrs: As I woke, I had the door chime ringing in my ears? ♫ I only want to be with you! ♫ I fumbled my way out of the second-hand, £300, c1968, overwhelmingly-sickeningly beige coloured, tatty, uncomfortable, wobbly-recliner, in a semi-panic - Who could in be at this time in the morning? The Fire Brigade? Josie needing help?

My mind was racing as I wobbled all over the place and opened the unlocked door... All in total darkness. The motion-activated lights in the flats lobby had not come on, so nobody could have been inside the hall?

As I went back to it, I realised that yesterday, I'd changed the tune on the buzzer to ♫ Oh, My Darling Clementine ♫? I must have been dreaming something about the chimer not working? Maybe, perhaps, possibly... or not. 

Anyway, I felt a clot and returned to the front room, sheepishly!

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Swollen Feet Check

Had a close look at the state of the plates.

I compared them to a similar photo I took last Tuesday. Oh, dear!

Do they look a little worse than last week? And I thought they were getting better as time went by? Hey-Ho!

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Handwashing Shirt

I had a vicious wee-wee, and then I washed the shirt worn yesterday and did it in the kitchen sink bowl. All done, washed, rinsed with Comfort, and hung over the sink to drip-dry. 

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Health Checks

Aha, reet-good on the Blood Pressure. Down into the amber zone! The pulse was still a bit too high, but down on yesterday, so no moaning!

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Updating the Blog

I made a brew of Glengettie tea, and I set about starting this blog off.

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Herbert joined in, with a tap-tap there, and scraping noise too, many knock-knockings, so he was safe, I knew!

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Morning Carer Came

It was Sobia. And in a sober mood, she was. The door chime chimed.

She cunningly avoided having a chinwag by ignoring my talking. Clever gal! But I did get a smile as she left - which made me check my clothing; all were covered!

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Finished the Blog

Which took a good while. Posted it off to Blogger. Emailed the link address and had a wee-wee.

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Anne Gyna Attacked!

Gawd was she in a bad mood with me. It didn't help any with Reflux Roger having a go at me as well! Tsk!

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Winwood Court & TFZers.

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Oh, a new noise for a while. Buzzing sound, I wonder what he's using?

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Morrison Order Made

A lot of items were not available again. The one that is irking me is their thick Chilli & potato soup missing. I use a can of this as a base when I'm making a chilli stew for Josie. Then add my own potatoes, mushrooms and extra seasonings, black bean or BBQ sauce.

She likes this version, too. Hoggleboggle! Still, the problems: delivery of foods, shortages of petrol, etc., will worsen before it gets better?

I hope they have the ready-made beef and veg in black bean sauce meals available, and the leeks too. I intend to add some more potatoes (providing they get delivered, of course). I'll add the potatoes, leeks, mushrooms, and Black Bean sauce before cooking in the microwave. Hope it works out alright.

Cripling Cragnangles! Anne Gyna is giving me what for again!

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Ah, back to usual now, tap-tapping, with a few moments drilling, and back to tap-tapping again. Herbie sounds like he's in his eyeholes now.

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Made a Thomsons Punjana Brew

And it tasted great! As I did the photographicalisationing of the mug and computer, the first shot made dust all over the picture?

So I got the lens brush and titivated it on the following image.

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Fodder Time

At last, a decent meal was made. Microwaved chips and pork sausages, pork & pickle mini pies, with BBQ sauce and plain bread. A pot of lemon mousse as a dessert. Taste: 7.5/10. Washed the pots, had a wee-wee.

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Tap-tapping, with a few moments drilling, and back to tap-tapping again. Sounds happy enough!

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Josie Returns Meal Things

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Head Down

Intending to have an hours kip. I was woken up four hours later by the sound of the door chime chiming!

Carer Julie Entered

At this stage, in my partial stupor and haziness, there was no doubt in my mind that it was morning, not evening!

I assumed that Julia ♥ was the morning carer. She'd been on holiday; before she went, Julia left a note to tell me that she would make an appointment with the doctor to get the INR blood test, and she had told someone at Meridian Care to advise me of the meeting.

But no one from Meridian told me!

Hence the letter about the missed appointment that nobody had told me about! Life has been getting more and more confusing recently!

Julia sorted the medications out, and we had a natter. Julia ♥ said she would phone the INR appointment for me. Wonderfully helpful gal. ♥

I thanked the beautiful American carer Julia and hoped I'd remember everything that needed to be done. 🙏

Walked Julie to the door, and she took the two bags of waste with her to the chute for me. So kind! 😢 If Julia and Valerie leave, I'd be in a pickle! Which reminded me sadly of my much-missed beloved, amazing Jillie! ♥ I hope her working from home on her computer works out well for her ♥.

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The Door Chime Chimmed

It was a local Councillor, bringing forth bumf on the elections for October 7th.

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Realised The Time!

This was when it dawned on me. The Councillors wouldn't be calling at this time in the morning?

My Sherlockian skills had worked out that it was evening, not morning!

Which meant I'd got dressed for no reason at all! Humph! 

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Updated this Blog

Which seemed to take me a couple of days to get done! Slow work, frustrating and with Ann Gyna getting worse all the time, got me into a semi-depression of sorts that I had a job to get out of.

Great News Via Email!

But I Did! When I got an Email from Sister Jane. Xyrophobia sufferer hubby Pete had been to the City Hospital today and got the all-clear on his Prostate Cancer! Which brought me out of the mini-depression. I had a wee-wee, passed wind, made a mug of Glengettie, and sang to myself, for a while, Cliff Richard, Adam Faith and Rick Nelson songs mostly! Well, the bits I could remember anyway. Old favourites seem to stay with you, though, such as The Young Ones, It's up to You, We are in Love, The Time Has Come, Congratulations etc.

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On with the Job

Eventually, I finished this blog; I wish I could do the same for Anne Gyna's pain! And I posted it off to Blogger, and the email link was sent.

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Facebook Catch-Up

I wanted to take an extra Codeine to counter Anne Gyna but had to make do with Paracetamols. Else I'd run out of the decently affective Codeines before the ensuing prescriptions arrive. I really must try to get out and get some Cocodamol tablets; it's so frustrating being in pain and not dare to take painkillers. I have to try to get out and get some.

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Anne Gyna my worse ailment, a right mullarkey,

Never been worse, but I'm not sarky,

The agony has made my outlook go wonky,

My hopes and plans have gone a little shakily,

My faith had sunk into being delusory,

I'm thoughts, and plans have gone dilatorily,

My self-views seem to be getting delusionary,

Self-assessment, guilty and derogatory,

My confidence limited, even calumniatory,

My own worth, I class as depreciatory,

This is the wrong time for an Ode or Story,

Cause I'm not up to being disquisitory!

I'm not sure what is wrong with me?

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Up and Onwards... or not!


  1. Sobia considers you an infidel me thinks. I don't know how anyone expects you to remember appoints all locked up like you are. Maybe Julia will get it worked out. Great news on Pete. Grate looking meal for a lowly C+ grade. Great ode ending in Ys.

    1. Sobia may well think that, Haha!
      Messages, and reminders for me that I have requested, are not getting back to me form Meridian. LEft hand not knowing what the right hand is doing?
      I see that Blogger has changed my formatting again on this blog! Humph!

  2. TFZ is remarkably adroit at parking cars, something not required at the new parking area. Still, it is quite a skill to park sidewise like that.
    That BP is an achievement of no mean significance. Maybe a trend is taking place?
    Josie seems to be returning plates and such at less inconvenient hours?
    Those helpers seem to be of quite a variety and are not causing distress, it appears. Wish they could all be Julias or Valeries
    The HERBERTS get yer attention most certain.
    Wednesday nearly hear, according to my calendar-reading skills.

    1. It's a good thing that it wasn't a red car, else I would have reported to you taight away, Billum! Hehe!
      Josie rang the buzzer, but off course it wasn't working at the time. She was a day late, saying she was worried about me... The door was not locked, she could have opened it and left the stuff inside, and or checked to see if I was a crumpled heap on the floor. But, the poor gal forgets more than I do. Hehehe!
      Your wishes on the carers rings true again, Sir! I fank you.
      Back on form, Herbert was.
      Nearly hear, hear-hear, or should hat me here-here? I must remember to look that up on Mr G.
      All the little involuntary nod-offs that have started on me, is causing to many 'What day and time is it' moments for me. I'll not bother the Doctor with it, lets face it, she didn't let me know about the INR nurse being cancelled, and left me for two months without a blood test... I think she might be going off me? Hahahaha!
      Bill and HRH: Keepeth well! ♥
